Monday, January 24, 2011

Moving On

So saying goodbye to a project can be bittersweet. I am proud to announce that the script for Project "O" has been completed and sent off to my editor. With that, I have to say goodbye to the cast and world of Project "O" and change gears - move on to something else.

A part of me is really pleased to be done with Project "O" for the meantime. (I mean, the actual nuts and bolts of the game have yet to be completed, but the novel itself is written in its entirety which, in my opinion, is the most painstaking part). I've completed something substantial, that's always a good feeling. Another part of me is sad to see it go.

After all, this project has been a part of my life for nearly a year now. I've been writing these characters for months. To move on from them to something else is going to feel strange. Almost as if I'm saying goodbye to really goods friends - the kind of friends you see every day.

But change and new beginnings are always exciting. The fact that I'm finally writing something else gives me a lot of joy. And I'm sure that I'll become just as attached to my new project as I was to my old one (heck, I've only outlined the next one and I'm already getting attached to these characters). Beginnings are always exciting to me - whether it be in my social life, my professional life, my creative life, or even in my hobbies.

So I'm starting my new Project - Project "S" - with great enthusiasm.

And for the record, yes, this is a still a hobby and there is NO projected date as to when any of these babies will see the light of day.

Here's to new beginnings. :)